With its unique design and décor, the lobby of Nanyang Pre-Japanese Hotel creates a warm and elegant atmosphere.
Vintage chandeliers hang from the high ceilings, emitting a soft light that illuminates the entire space. The walls are decorated with exquisite murals or wood carvings, showing the characteristics of Nanyang culture.
In the center of the lobby is some second-hand furniture, such as carved wooden chairs or coffee tables, for guests to rest and talk. In addition, there may be some greenery in the lobby to add a touch of life to the interior.
The lobby of Nanyang Antique Hotel is a space that blends traditional and modern elements to create a comfortable and artistic space.
表现机构 / 而川视觉
制作周期 / 7天
Production cycle/7 days
创意工具 / 3DMAX2022 / CR8.0
Creative Tools/3DMAX2022/CR8.0